Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 12-13, 2007: KEEPer's March Across the DMZ

KEEP'ers on a two-day march for our homeland, across the DMZ, accompanying Women Against US Imperialism.

KEEPer's Visit Pyeongtaek and meet with villagers

Thursday, August 9, 2007

News received from the KEEPers!

Here is some news that we received via phone from the 2007 KEEPers:

it's been four days including the orientation...I'm only but a cat among eight...KEEP is going really well... We met a lot of people... KEEP ppl are experiencing a lot. Today is like the fourth day or fifth day.. already, the participants are seeing and feeling a lot of things... we finally had a session today where we got to talk about what they saw and experienced. it's only been a few days, but ppl felt a lot, and precious tears started flowing.. the group is tight and is taking care of each other... there is already a feeling that we're going to know each other for a long time, and that we'd be working together for a long time...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

대추리, 그 기억속으로

Daechuri, Into the Past

이 영상에는 평택 팽성읍 대추리 주민의 오래된 사진들이 담겨 있다. 일제시대 부터 살았던 주민의 사진에는 대추리의 슬픈 역사가 담겨 있다.

그리고 대추분교.
수천명의 병력이 몰려와 산산조각 내버린, 이제는 폐허만 남은 대추분교를 배경으로 찍힌 3회 졸업생들의 사진은 주민들이 왜 대추분교를 지키기 위해 그토록 싸웠는지 느끼게 해 준다.

Pictures of Daechuri as old as when Korea was still under Japanese colonialism... to class pictures from the 3rd class reveal a very sad past... to thousands of police that tear down the history and dreams of Daechuri villagers and why those who defended the school to the end felt compelled to fight.

Welcome to our site!

Welcome to the blogspot for the 2007 Korea Exposure and Education Program (KEEP). The mission of KEEP is to increase awareness of and strengthen the global movement for peace and justice on the Korean peninsula. Through building relationships and communities, KEEP seeks to broaden our understanding of and participation in the liberation struggles and unification of the Korean people. Please check back periodically for updates, photos and news about our trip to South Korea.